Sunday, July 24, 2016

This blog belongs to you, to him to her, to every one of us.
You did good in Your graduation or master or BB (Honor),those of you who didn’t  they wish to do good and if they hasn’t , there must be a reason,
1.Strong Business Family
2.Abroad planning.

You are out of this circle; let’s talk about me or him or her who has no other way except finding job in beloved Pakistan.

Each day you meet with thousands of people, you listen thousands of stories, some inspire you, some don’t, some you just thought you least shouldn’t consider, and some you thought couldn’t be yours story.

Pakistan is a big country in population, forget that India is bigger or China is biggest, we don’t have competition with them, I am talking about your cousins or your graduate fellows or your friends or your neighbors or every citizen who is in competition with you for job.

You see them and in them least you find unsuccessful people but you!!, you are in deep and deep dig grave, doing nothing but just sitting at home scrolling Facebook down and up, that’s you, everyone of you.
You graduated some 2 years before or one year or just some months or may be more then 2 years even, you ran like a dog in chasing jobs, trust me I know you did and now you are desperate because you were selected in one job and someone has replaced you or your luck didn’t work .
I know each and everything because that is me and that is you, I am you and you are me.

let me tell you what you are doing now a days, go to bazars for buying vegetables bla bla bla, and girls cooking foods, cleaning house, facing “rishtay wali antis” on daily or weekly basis.

Useless to society, unacceptable everywhere.
If I were you I will rather die.

Don’t close my blog; don’t you want to know WHAT IS TRUTH ABOUT YOU, WHICH YOU MIGHT HAVE FORGET OR DON’T KNOW

Allah asks,

                                                        “Were you created by nothing?”

Do you believe that is this possible that you created by nothing?
Is that something your intellect can truly digest?
When you walk around in these fields and you look at the trees, do you believe that these could be here by coincidence?
Do you think that nobody in this world knows the history of that one leaf; do you think it’s so insignificant?

Allah tells us in Quran that nothing is insignificant to Allah, nothing, even a small Ant is important to Allah.
Suleman(A.S) was once marching with his great army and one ant called to other ants ,“Suleman(A.S) Army is coming so move out of your way because they will take US AS INSIGNIFICANT”,
Allah immediately informs Suleman A.S about it.”

Nothing is less important or useless to Allah, even not an ant.
So how you can imagine about it that you are unworthy to Allah,
you born, and there is a reason for it, you grow strong or ill there is a reason for it, if there is something getting worse in your life, there must be a reason for it, maybe this is an IMTIHAN by Allah that whether you left him or not when time is hard on you, you just need to be optimistic and never lose hope.

Story over?
Not yet
You are still questioning to yourself, how to find your purpose of life,
i made a little search on it and found some key points that might help you in realizing you, because it is fully logical and make sense at least it helped me.

1.      Relax and find who you are.
Do me  a favor, try to get relax for some days and if you are best in it extend the days and then think about you, think about the best of you, the most optimistic, the most courageous fact of you, think anything what make you unique and special, and if there isn’t any, then try to create one.

2.      Build yourself again.
now you have found new qualities in you, the best of you so delete the old personality and put the new one of yours in your mind, so how you feel yourself ,little better ? So let’s rock and roll, now you are new man with the same name, whenever you are in trouble or in choices you can do it, change your personality.

3.      Give Number to your qualities.
You have found yourself a man of different qualities, let’s set it in a proper order with numbering.

4.      What Else.
Than get a diary, write whatever you can do and you can’t, be honest with you at least. Now stick to path what you can do and try to do it best. This is what you are.

since from my realization of world I have seen many great people, and I learn one thing if you want to be great, you think to be great, you act to be great, you are great from your birth and if you are not you start to behave like great as soon you realize yourself.



      Good luck.

      Rohail Ashraf cheema 
      Ghakhar, Pakistan.